a Tank Gap
A look I've never cared for
much is when a tank appears to be just thrown on and mounts welded in place.
I believe they should look as if they were intended for that particular
bike. I try to cover openings when I do mount them, sort of make them flow
with the frame some. Its not that difficult really. With something like
fatbobs you can line up panels where the tanks meet and weld in place.
When you're using a one piece
like a Sportster.. you can use a bracket with a panel that's welded to
the frame and lines up with that front opening when you drop the tank on.
Also, I try to weld nuts or stand offs in the tunnel of the tank then weld
tubes in the back bone for the bolts to go through and you end up with
clean hidden mounts. Small stuff, but it all adds up to a clean smooth
job in the end..
to Talkin' with Tommy